8 Wisest Marriage Lessons That Only Your Grandparents Can Teach You


By Parul Singh Last Updated:


8 Wisest Marriage Lessons That Only Your Grandparents Can Teach You

After parents, the people you look up to for everything important are your grandparents. They have more life experience, knowledge, and are the best people to give you advice about every matter related to life. They have innumerable life lessons to teach, especially about marriage. (READ: 12 Romantic Things Happy Couples Do Together That Have Nothing To Do With Sex). So, if you are having any problem with your married life, or want to know a few tips for a happy marriage, then seek advice from your grandparents, or learn by observing their happy married life. They will give you the best advice. Here we have complied a few of the wisest marriage lessons that only your grandparents can teach you.

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#1. Not to lose control in tough times

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Have you ever seen your grandparents shouting at each other during tough times? Most probably not as yelling will only make things worse. Instead, you might have seen them discussing the situation calmly, and finding the right solution together. Thus, next time when you are stuck up in a situation, maintain a light spirit, and solve the problem.

#2. Do not play the blame game

Blaming your partner for every mistake will only ruin your relationship, especially when your partner knows that he/she has made the mistake. If you want to keep your family together and happy, then you should stop blaming your partner for every other mistake. Instead, love and support each other just like your grandparents do.

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#3. Take the initiative

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If you and your partner are ready for some changes in your life, and somehow your partner is dilly-dallying things, then you should take the initiative to make the change. Remember how your grandmother took the charge to make the change, while your grandpa kept giving excuse? Or, how your grandfather apologised because he knew it was his fault? End results were that both were happy and satisfied. So, do not just wait for things to happen, and wait for your partner to do everything, just take the lead and make the difference.

#4. Spend quality time with each other

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Yes, it is one of the most important things for a happy marriage. Time spend face to face trumps every other way of communication. Take hint from your grandparents and leave your cell phones at home while going on a walk together or on a vacation, do certain activities together to keep yourselves happy. Crack jokes, share memories, laugh so hard that you cannot breathe, love unconditionally, appreciate the small things, talk and learn more about each other. Just do every possible thing to spend quality time with each other.

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#5. Keep family tradition alive

Don’t you love spending Diwali and other occasions at your grandparents' house along with other family members? The joy of celebrating the festivals together with the whole family is just wonderful, isn’t it? So, why don’t you carry the legacy forward! Even eating together, discussing the day’s work, talking about various events, sharing gossip and other news helps in creating a better bond between you and your partner. It is all about making time to listen and connect with each other. So, from now on, no more eating alone, or eating in the company of your mobile phone or laptop. Ban those things right away. Do things just the way your sweet grandparents did.

#6. Don’t just walk away

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The easiest way out of every problem is to walk away from it or from the person itself. But, does that really help? Is running away from things the answer to everything? Ask your grandparents and they will say 'no'. Walking away does not end things, but it leaves you in a mess. Instead, take cue from your beloved grandparents on how they used to deal with every situation without abandoning each other, and work accordingly. Marriage is all about commitment, compromise and compassion. Few hiccups should not deter your courage and love for each other.

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#7. Make and share memories

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Memories give way to the sweetest stories. So, live life to make memories, no matter good or bad. Every memory will teach you something at the end. You will either laugh or learn from it. Share them together in every way possible, just the way your grandma and grandpa does. Don't you love listening to their interesting tales and learning from it? Now, go make your own.

#8. Honour your marriage vows

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Remember the vows you took with your partner during the saath pheras? So, do you follow them? Vows are meant to be followed till the last breath. See how your grandparents fulfil their vows to each other every single day. They stand by each other through thick and thin, share things and support each other through it all. So, why can't you? He/she is your partner for lifetime, so honour your marriage vows for life!

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Take inspiration from your grandparents about life and love, and see how it will help you and your married life. Marriage will never be a bed of red roses. It will be full of ups and downs, but to make it beautiful and worth your while you have to make an effort. It is not about ego, but mutual love, respect and understanding. Don’t believe us? See your grandparents and decide for yourself.

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