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Marriage opens up a fresh chapter in a newlywed couple's life. Well, this union certainly is a wonderful experience, and brings a lot of happiness. However, marriage is not only about a perfect life ahead with your partner, but it also has the other side which many of you might not know about.
If you are one of those who thought marriage would be an extension of your dating period, it is about time to get some reality check. Get ready to find out what all surprises marriage has for you, which if not anticipated, can lead to disasters. So, get set for shaadi ka punchnama.
Immediately after marriage, your doting boyfriend vanishes. He now wants you to imbibe his mother’s qualities. Get ready to cook, take care of everything, and run the house exactly the way she does. You will be compared to your mother-in-law, and unknowingly, you two will be put up to compete with each other, time and again.
And, if you are not really game for a competition, then better learn How to Make Your Mother-in-Law Love You Forever
Sometimes situations will crop up when you would have to make a decision whether to agree with your mother or your wife. Both these ladies play an important role in your life, but once you give your opinion, get ready to be emotionally tortured, forever. And, do not expect any help from your father. He has already learnt his lesson in vanishing from the scene.
Well, if you always end up losing to your mother-in-law, then here are some Best Ways to Deal with a Husband who is a Mama's Boy
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After marriage, the groom's family expects the newlywed 'bahu' to change the bad habits of her husband overnight. It is like his parents got him married so that they can wash their hands off his responsibility. Duh, what were the parents doing all these years?
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After marriage, be ready to give a detailed expense report to your wife. You might have to give a complete power point presentation as well! But remember, while you are giving details of every rupee you spend, you can never dare to question your wife’s expenditures. Learn this mantra that she strongly believes your money is hers and her money is hers, only.
We know that she loves shopping and you love her, but this should not stop you from planning your finances smartly. Here are some of the best Tips for Newlyweds to Manage Finances Together.
The traditional perception of women managing the house remains unchanged even in this modern age. Your husband gets applauded even if he attempts to toast a piece of bread and burns it, while your hard work would be labelled as your duty.
Recommended Read: Marriage Advice from the 1950s that is Definitely Not Outdated
All soon-to-be husbands get prepared to find out that your mothers-in-law know about each and every aspect of your married lives. Your wife shares all tits and bits with her mother. But don’t even think about doing the same, because if she gets to know that you share details with your family, you will never hear the end of it!
Girls, after marriage you take care of your in-laws just like your own family, but your parents will remain guests in your husband's home. You are expected to play the role of an ideal daughter to your in-laws, whereas your husband always remains a 'jamai raja' for your family.
Must Read: 10 Annoying Habits for Which Men Resent their Wives
Arguments are common when two different beings are staying together. To satisfy his inherent male ego, your husband will need to have the last word in any argument. While to satisfy your wife’s emotional needs, you should be the first one to apologise.
Recommended read: 7 Best Things about Being a Married Woman
Well, don't blame us because this is what popular culture has shown us, time and again. So, welcome to the married life – real and uncensored!