10 Surprisingly Simple And Natural Ways That Will Surely Help You Increase Your Height


By Neelam Jain

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#2. Indulge in yoga

#2. Indulge in yoga

As we said, fitness is very good for you to boost your height. Yoga helps to improve your physical and mental faculties. Yoga provides suppleness to your body with its various stretching, balancing and breathing postures. It helps in relieving the tensions in your mind and body. So, add yoga poses like, cobra pose (bhujangaasana), pleasant pose (sukhasana), tree pose (vrksasana), mountain pose (talasana), triangle pose (trikonasana) to your fitness regime. Suryanamaskar is another yoga pose that is very beneficial to your overall well-being.

Yoga is also very good for hair-growth. Read: 10 Yoga Exercises That Will Help You Grow Your Hair Faster


