Monsoon Special: 6 Weight Loss Exercises To Do At Home


By Khushboo Motihar

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#5. Squats

#5. Squats

This is one exercise that should be a part of everyone's daily routine. It is simple to perform squats and requires no gym equipment. For this, just stand straight with your feet slightly apart and your arms raised to your shoulder level. Then bend your knees forward (in a chair position) and get up without any support. Repeat it at least 3-5 times. If you find this exercise straining, you can use a chair for a few days. After a while, shift to the actual method. Besides burning fat, this workout helps in boosting your stamina (in case you are an athlete), and clears bowel movements as well. Also, it tones your buttocks, abs and legs.

Also Read: 6 Best Exercises For Women To Flaunt Slimmer And Toned Calves


