4 Most Unbelievable Myths About Anti-Ageing Creams Busted


By Namrata Arora Last Updated:


4 Most Unbelievable Myths About Anti-Ageing Creams Busted

We are a society obsessed with youth. Our eyes constantly search for images with perfect skin, size zero figure and drop dead gorgeous looks. Most beauty brands cash in on these consumer weaknesses. One such weakness is the desire to stay young forever. All leading skin care brands offer their range of anti-ageing products. While most of them do help in the tightening the skin to an extent,  none have the capacity to work wonders within 24 hours (so they claim).

However, it is important that we choose an anti-ageing cream according to our skin type and look past their false promises. So, find out the most common myths that surround these anti-ageing creams.

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Myth 1: Miracles will happen overnight

Anti ageing creams

Even the well-established skin care brands play with the psyche of the consumers guaranteeing them overnight miracles. Well, no matter how appealing this might sound, it remains a myth. Everything takes time, and so is the case with these products. So, do not expect a sudden transformation. Although, some creams start showing results within three to four weeks, but others take more than six to seven weeks. Being patient while expecting visible results will do you good in the long run!

Myth 2: These are multi-tasking creams

Anti Ageing creams

By multi-tasking, we mean that one cream can take care of all your skin problems, such as wrinkles, fine lines, dark spots, scars, crow’s feet etc. However, there is a dilemma surrounding this myth. On one hand, anti-ageing beauty brands promise their consumers that one single cream will work on seven to eight skin problems. While on the other hand, there are products dedicated to each body part, like under eye serums, night creams and SPF lotions. These products work on the ideology that your skin needs different ingredients throughout the day. So, the decision is yours!

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Myth 3: Buying anti-ageing creams according to age

Anti Ageing Creams

Most beauty creams come with an age description on their packaging, for example 20+, 30+, 40+ and so on. Also, the sales girls at beauty stores are advised to offer creams to the customers as per their age group. This, however, is not the correct way. Some women do not experience acne while they are young but start getting them in their late 50’s. Also, there are women who start getting wrinkles in their 20’s, owing to stress and work pressure. Thus, it is best to buy an anti-ageing cream according to your skin problem, and not your age.

Myth 4: The more expensive, the better it is

Anti Ageing creams

Most anti-ageing creams are expensive because of their brand value, and not because of their healing properties. So, it is always suggested that one should go for a cream which can tackle the skin problems, no matter how inexpensive they are.

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Ageing can only be delayed and not stopped. So, blindly following these anti-ageing creams is not the solution. Choose the one which suits your skin. Besides all this, nothing can beat a healthy diet when it comes to a youthful skin.

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